This function calculates the minimum testSetLength where it is possible to get a rho less than alpha for the given parameters of rho.

rhoMin(baserate, alpha = 0.05, inc = 10, printInc = FALSE, ...)



A baserate


The threshold of significance for rho (similar to an alpha level for a p value), defaulted to 0.05


An integer indicating by how much the testSetLength should increase each iteration


A boolean indicating whether to print out each increment value with it's corresponding significance for rho


Any additional parameters passed into rho


The minimum length of testSet, to the nearest multiple of inc, greater than the minimum length, that would give a value where rho less than alpha becomes mathematically possible.


#Add testSetBaserateInflation as an additional parameter rhoMin(0.2, testSetBaserateInflation = 0.33)
#> [1] 30
#Add testSetBaserateInflation as well as changing inc and selecting printInc rhoMin(0.2, inc = 5, printInc = TRUE, testSetBaserateInflation = 0.33)
#> 5 0.375 #> 10 0.145 #> 15 0.09625 #> 20 0.075 #> 25 0.04875
#> [1] 25